Top Signs Your Car Engine is About to Fail

As a vehicle owner, you’re likely always on alert for signs of impending trouble. You may hear strange noises and wonder what they mean, but then ignore them. However, automotive problems rarely get better without treatment – only worse with neglect. If you experience these warning signs of engine trouble, make an appointment at your trusted local auto shop as soon as possible. You don’t want to mess around with your engine! This is the life blood of your car.
1. Knocking Noises
If you hear knocking noises coming from under the hood that falls and rises in speed with your engine RPMs, this signals a failing engine bearing. These bearings are important because they support the movement of your engine parts. If it were to seize, your car’s engine would undergo major damage to the tune of hundreds of dollars or more.
2. Increased Exhaust
Do you notice smoke emitting from your car’s tailpipe that seems thicker than usual? You can usually detect if it’s a serious problem or not by paying attention to the color of the smoke. Blue smoke indicates burning oil; white exhaust indicates there is coolant in the combustion chamber; black smoke means too much fuel is being used.
3. Check Engine Light
If you’re like most people, you probably ignore the check engine light when it comes on. But you shouldn’t. There’s usually a good reason for this. Often times, the check engine light will come on at first when a small problem is present. However, it you don’t get the problem addressed fast, that small issue will become big trouble quickly.
4. Decreased Performance
If you have noticed a drop in fuel efficiency, have found that it’s more difficult to get your car up to speed, or see that your car requires more warm up time than usual, these are all issues that you should address soon. Many times, a simple tune up can fix all three of these problems.
5. Rough Idle
Does your vehicle have a hard time staying on when you are stopped at a red light? Bring it to your mechanic. This could be related to a fuel delivery problem, but it could also signal any number of issues, large and small.
In the end, no matter what is going on with your vehicle’s engine, you shouldn’t hesitate to visit your local auto repair shop. Here at Mr. Fixit Auto Care, our expert technicians will diagnose and repair the issue and have you back on the road in no time.
Contact Mr. Fixit Auto Care
To learn more about our engine repair services throughout Rocklin and surrounding areas, contact us at 916-645-2293.